
Men’s Ministry

Our men’s group, known as Brothers in Christ, meets regularly for a meal, devotional, and fellowship. They also perform numerous service projects.

Women’s Ministry

There are multiple avenues to connect with others here. Heartfelt is a program where mature women mentor younger ladies. Sewing Sisters bond over projects, while our Las Damas de Baxter group works to support a preaching school in Honduras.

Children’s Ministry

In addition to Bible classes, our young ones participate in their own weekly Children’s church, as well as Vacation Bible School in the summer and Leadership Training for Christ in the spring. Other favorite events are Back to School Bash and Fall Festival.

Youth Ministry

Our youth have their own dedicated section of our facility for study, games, and fellowship. Highlights of their special activities include mission trips, camps, and service projects.

Kats For Christ

We have a full-time campus minister, as well as a student center building on campus to support our college group. We love having our students participate in our worship and activities, as well as their own.


While we support numerous mission efforts, our four primary efforts are Kats for Christ, our college ministry; local prison ministry, Eastern European Missions, who provide Bibles to spread the Word; and Baxter Institute, a preaching school in Honduras.